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Yearly Archive December 24, 2014

Happy X-mas … GET OUTSIDE…

x-mas01Dear ones, I wish you all a very merry X-mas with lot’s of fun and good food, get outside and get some exercise whenever you have the chance and allow yourself to dream!

Here’s my X-mas video for all of you! The wind is very loud but never mind, it was great to be outside on a very mild X-mas eve in the day time and at dusk; I enjoyed the powerful wind and the mighty-looking sky!
<3 <3 <3 wild-horse, 12/2014

Before we had fire – we were running!

woodrun01I was out for a lovely little forest-run yesterday, the first time I’ve got round to really getting outside and into the woods since our baby girl Merle was born two weeks ago. We’ve been so busy getting reorganized since then that I’ve never been away for too long.

While I was running I realized again how much I love running through the woods, or any natural surrounding. Still the woods stay special to me; probably because of the time I spent there in my childhood. There was not much greater than romping through the forests of England with my Dad and my Grandad.

Tuning into our roots: Winter-Solstice 2014

solstice01Now we are approaching this year’s winter-solstice at last. This is the point of the year when we really say winter has begun; from now on it’s going to get colder and more uncomfortable outside, and we are going to have to make sure we have the right warm clothing on when we go out so that we keep nice and warm.

Here again we meet the duality of our existence here on earth as, while it gets colder and we feel as if it was becoming darker still, the light has already begun to grow and the days that seem so short are really gradually getting longer. Symbols like evergreen fir branches or mistletoe remind us that life goes on and the sap will rise again and fill the world with life. We keep cosy and warm, gather around the fires in our houses and save our energy for what will come. …. Do we?