spontaneous work-out with fallen oak
While I was out for a quick run yesterday I came across this beautiful oak that somebody had cut down; It was a majestic tree while standing and a great shame it’s been felled, I couldn’t find any signs of desease or weak limbs. Never the less, now this grand oak being lies there and I hope at least it will remain there to serve it’s woody environment.
Of course for some one like me, looking out for the work-out possibilities outdoors this lying giant is a great opportunity; and I shall certainly be there many times if the tree is left there and do various exercises. This kind of work-out gives me so much more than doing very similar stuff indoors. I feel so much more at home in nature; so I get rooted/grounded as well as physically working out.
expressing myself as an artist
Being able to express myself as an artist is a core part of my own ‘moving to my roots’. Though I have done painting and sometimes still do, I mainly work with steel, i.e. scrap metal. I love creating sculptures and objects out of this material. I feel that working with this wonderful metal is very elemental and I am in very obvious contact with the elements.
The pieces I use to create my figures are usually used and discarded objects; I search for them in old barns, on scrap-yards and so on. They are things that had a purpose but now have become forgotten and are no longer used. I never have a shopping-list and I never know what I shall find, so I have to create with whatever jumps at me and so what I find co-decides on the form of whatever I’m working on. I make sure that my work obviously shows what pieces it’s made of, this way these forgotten things keep their history and can tell their story in a new context and as a part of a great new form.
wild-horse’s Ginger-Brazil-Delight
Today a powerful smoothie, one with the force!!
One big aspect of becoming rooted is nutrition. Only a healthy and balanced diet consisting of natural foods will allow our bodies to become and remain clean; will help us to be rooted and happy and full of energy to do what is ours to do. Our body is the temple of our soul and ourselves, so let’s treat it in a good way and it will hold and transform energy for us when- and where-ever we need it. The following creation of mine is one recipe I’d like to share with you. I find it delicious.