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Monthly Archive August 11, 2014

Great day in the ZOO and 10 km run!!

family01Wow .. what a great Sunday! We got up early and drove down to Heidelberg to meet a couple we’re friends with and their two-year-old daughter at the Heidelberg ZOO!! What a great idea! We had a marvelous time and our kids were flabberghasted by all the great big animals like the elephants and tigers and so on. Children are just absolutely fascinated by animals; I must admit that adults like me are too.

I felt sad sometimes when I saw certain animals penned in the way they are and I am not happy with the way they are held, even though German standards seem to have nothing to criticize. I had a look at various species and felt they were not really happy but resignated. We humans do have an awful habit of wanting to control everyone and everything.

Back to training at last!

20140730_122404Well it was almost three weeks that I spent without being able to do any kind of real physical training. Both my doctor and my Kuk Sul Won Master warned me not to risk driving the borreliose-bacteria deeper into my system and to allow the anti-biotics to do their work properly; so that’s what I did.

I didn’t find it easy not being allowed to work-out properly, but on the other side I wasn’t feeling too fit anyway. Now this time is over I’ve been on two runs and realize that being ill like that has weakened me more than I had expected. It’s not just as if I had been too lazy to train for a few weeks. Well, what did I think it was going to be like?