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Monthly Archive November 29, 2014

Moveroot update: Soon we’ll be one baby more!

NovUpdateIIWow .. now it’s getting colder here, the leaves are no longer on the trees and I am making sure we have enough wood and coal for the first part of this winter.

What is occupying our minds most is that we are awaiting the birth of our little baby girl any time as of right now. So we are really excited and are getting everything ready for our new life being four.

A green-smoothie a day keeps the doctor away…

smoothiemanA green-smoothie a day keeps the doctor away! How true is that?! But what is so special about these green smoothies?

For my part I have got into the habit of making myself a great big jug of green smoothie every evening; I drink half of it straight away and put the rest in the refridgerator for the next morning.

Out in the fields at sunrise

OutAtDawnOut in the fields as the day dawns. I love being there. It’s this special time of day thet makes it worth getting up just a little bit earlier than I have to just to live this moment.

After having a night’s rest we are not as overloaded with thoughts and impressions as we might be in the evening or during the day.