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Monthly Archive July 29, 2015

Yes, I do eat meat!

20150729IEatMeatWell you all… I do eat meat! In fact all sorts of animal proteins. For me it is an important part of a functional diet, Agreat source of b 12, protein, iron and more. Of course this is pretty paleo and at the same time not everyone’s idea of a concious nutrition. I feel that the attidude and approach to whatever you eat is very important…

Canine teeth & raw eggs

Regeneration – Activating my self-healing abilities

20150719backToday a little story out of my life. Two days ago I was doing some heavy work, when I really hurt my back. It all happened while I was rolling a large natural stone over onto it’s face. It was a task that was just about at the limit of my capacity anyway and probably I should have approached the whole situation differently.