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Monthly Archive October 27, 2017

Quick cook for my work break next day

Eating during your mid-day break at work… and eating well, how does that work? Easy… just have a look at my video below and see me quickly prepare one of the endless variety of fast take-away meals there are, delicious and healthy too.

spontaneous cleansing with sage and cedar

It was on Sunday evening, I’d kept this piece of cedar trunk, cut from top to base with a chainsaw three times, so that the notches crossed to form a Hagal rune. So this Sunday we lit our Swedish fire and out of it’s centre the star began to burn.

Never too late!. MoveRoot practising hard stuff..

Hey Wild People, today something different. Since I turned 39/40 I’ve turned from really unhealthy to pretty well fit and healthy and so I have accomplished quite a lot for myself. I’ve learned to run properly, to use my body well, in a crossfit seminar I learned how to lift weights properly, and I ran the Strongman Run twice and finished right up front both times. I’ve never been so mobile, enduring and strong as I have become. yet there are still quite a few things I still would like to learn and master.