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Author Archive

Integrating movment into your whole life

Happy Easter Wild Ones! Or better Happy Ostara! It is the time of fertility, of rising sap, the time in which nature’s thriving takes over the face of the earth. It really is spring!

Today my topic is movement. In fact I managed to go for a 13km run through the sprouting green this morning, while my family was visiting my mother in law. I thoroughly enjoyed it and came back both energized and relaxed. But to be honest, my work days the last two weeks were not outside moving through the green at all.


MoveRoot update – and how I integrate my training at work

Hey all you Wild Ones,
It’s a while since I was just about to go down to Stuttgart to this MovNat workshop that I was telling you about, beginning of February. Well it was one weekend packed with movement, intense and natural. Two days of crawling, climbing, jumping, balancing and much more.


Do you have a personal vision for this year? MoveRoot and Imbolc

Hey Wild Ones,
here it is, Imbolc is today, or Candlemas, as many call it. Anyway, it’s the time of winter to have a clear vision for the coming seasons, to know what it is you’re sowing this year.
What I’m sowing this year became pretty clear during winter, and in fact I’m taking action straight away,
