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Full Harvest Moon

Full Harvest Moon

Wow, what a wonderful Full Harvest Moon! At 03:38:12 last night the moon was absolutely full over Germany.
The moon being unusually close to our earth is called a supermoon, which means that especially at moon-rise and -set the moon appeared a lot larger than usual. I was up on our flat roof watching her and doing some basic qi-gong in her clear light.

For me the period just up to full moon is the time when I am creating; I am a lot more extrovert than I am inbetween and usually have some interest or dream/desire that I’m burning for. It’s the time to do create; I know what I want andcreate a situation of letting go. This can be a simple ceremony, a fire, a walk in nature .. or .. a good massage!

This month during the full harvest moon it was some qigong on our roof and a good relaxing thai-massage this morning. A good massage is a wonderful situation to let go in. I just let it happen and watched my breath; I could let go of my thoughts straight after they came up in my mind and become pretty empty. It’s a similar effect to training physically, expecially when training outside. But of course a lot more relaxed, and working from the other end.

I tend to be a lot more introvert while the moon is waning, until just after the new moon. I am working on how to solve problems in my life, finding out what my desires are and how I might fulfill them, whether my theme is a health question, a family situation or a financial story. First of all of course I am recognizing the problem. I don’t always do that harmonically but often catch myself in situations that definitely suggest to my concious self what is needed to harmonize my life more and make me happy.

The waxing moon is the time in which I cristalize a desire out of my process and begin to create and hold a clear focus. when the moon becomes full it is time to become fully aware of this focus and let it go; then I let go of my controlled version of what I want and let the universe and my subconcious start work.

Tomorrow we are driving down to the Rhoen for a few days holiday. Artur has been to kindergarten with his Mummy for the first time today and after our short holiday he’ll be there 3-4 times a week; so we wil all experiencwe a new situation. We very much hope that Artur enjoys Kindergarten and wants to go and have fun and learn there. We shall see.

get outside and move to your roots!
wild-horse 09/2014
