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Nature-time with children.

Nature-time with children.

naturetime02Probably one of the most productive times with children is `nature-timeĀ“; in fact for me it is one of the greatest fun times, as it is for my son Artur aswell. We try to spend nature time together as much as possible and manage to do so almost every day. There is no bad weather, there’s just the wrong clothes I used to be told many years ago, and I believe that’s true. Whenever I spend nature-time with Artur, first of all we have loads of fun and strengthen our relationship and the trust he has in his dad. Depending on the temperature and weather we dress in anything from wellies and waterproofs to barefoot and topless.

naturetime01Whatever the conditions we thoroughly enjoy engaging with nature however she presents herself.
Being outside and away from artificial surroundings so much allows us not only become truely engaged with the elements air, fire, water and earth in whichever form they present themselves, but we also get a very clear impression of the year’s seasons and all the changes and transformations they offer. we can watch the plant world sprout and develop, becoming lush and strong and green, then carry flower and fruit, securing the next generation, only to wither and disappear from the surface of the earth until the coming year brings new life.

Becoming engaged with nature as our natural environment helps children to become rooted in their lives and within themselves, they can be happy and free without becoming clustered with too much input and distraction. When I watch my son as goes to town with me or to the market, I can see him enjoying what he’s doing, being with his dad and doing something interesting, but also it is clear that the longer we are on our way, the more tension he builds up and the more he begins to want all sorts of stuff and gets more and more overloaded. When we go out together and spend nature-time I can watch him become more and more lost in whatever he is doing and exploring, he shines and enters a state of increased happiness and mindlessness. There are no worrys, no wants, there’s nothing to complain about and whatever we meet, whether we see an animal or find it’s tracks, dash through the grass or jump into puddles, we are totally in the moment we are in. Nothing else is necessary and nothing is missed.

naturetime03Nature is much more irregular than man made environments and it’s sounds, shapes, smells, colours, tastes and textures are our natural evolutionary surroundings; when we spend time in nature regularly nature triggers our senses to make us feel relaxed and at home, our immune-systems are boosted as tension falls from us and we become deeply rooted and at home on our wonderful planet. Being outside and enjoying nature-time helps our children to develop great sensory- and motorskills as their own body-awareness is increased without distraction, a relaxed mind is open to be receptive and flexible so that cognitive abilities grow easily. And then of course something in being in nature just does something with us that is magical and wild and just makes us content and clear and complete.

Never mind thinking it’s going to be a strain to realize nature-time with your children. spending an hour on the field just down the lane or driving to the city border or a nearby pond for a while is an expedition for child, and is plenty to get lost in time and space and to come home again with rosy red cheeks and a big big story to tell!

Get outside and move to your roots!
wild-horse 01/2015
