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Playful Paleo Workout

Playful Paleo Workout

20150316After a long weeks hard work I was really whacked this last Sunday; the week had been unusually strenuous and I had hardly got round to training. So after spending some time with my family I went off for an easy training run with some exercise inbetween, keeping it all playful and investigative.

This time I really needed an easy flowing workout to reconnect and let go of some of the tension I had built up. So really taking it easy and starting off slowly I just took some of the oportunitys that were there for exercise and also took the time I needed just to have a look around and enjoy the environment I was in.

Some of my little outdoor trip I have on video for you below. Watch and enjoy, There are endless ways of training natural functional movement outdoors and having loads of fun reconnecting. In my video are just a few moments on a very light days workout.

Get outside and move to your roots!
love from wild-horse 03/2015
